Aims & Objects
Sheeladevi College of Education is affiliated to the Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, was founded in the year 2006. The College is a self-financing institution managed by a team of seven (7) member Management Committee. The committee members belong to various walks of life. Sheela Multipurpose Society came into existence in the year 2000. A group of 7 dynamic personalities joined their hands together & initiated voluntary action in Nagpur. Subsequently they registered it under the Societies Act, 1860 and step forward with a view to spread its activities throughout Maharashtra state. With the active involvement of the members the organisation grew up. Sheela Multipurpose Society committed to the socio-economic and political development of the rural students with a special focus on economically backword students

Empowering the Students to be Responsible, Competent, and Committed Teachers.

- To prepare the finest teacher capable of responding to global demands and meeting the challenges in Education.
- To rejuvenate the teaching-learning process with ICT and value-based education in the context of modernization and social change.
- To address the ever-emerging issues and problems of school and teacher education and discover the remedial measures.
Institutional Strength
- Institutional Strength Qualified, dedicated, and experienced teaching faculty.
- Supportive management and administration.
- State of Art Infrastructure Students of weaker sections are admitted as per reservation policy and get benefit of Scholarship schemes in large number.
- Good relationship with community, practice schools and other stakeholders.
Institutional Weakness
- Lack of autonomy in curriculum designing.
- No minor and major research projects.
- Less number of faculty research publications.
- No copyrights and patents.
- No funding from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists.
Institutional Opportunity
- Getting NAAC accreditation with good grade.
- Opportunity of empowering students.
- Fetching research grants from government and non-government agencies.
- Registering alumni association and seeking financial support from alumni for the development of the college.
- Doing MoUs with Schools, Industries, Colleges and Libraries of good repute.
Institutional Challenge
- Average quality of admitted students.
- Attracting students to participate in sports and cultural activities.
- Funded research projects with collaboration of government and private organizations.
- Improvement in students’ progression to higher education and competitive examinations.
- Being self-finance college scarcity of funds due to delay in disbursement of scholarship amount from government.
Code of Conduct for Teachers
- Teachers should carry out academic, co-curricular and organizational activities that may be assigned to them from time to time.
- Teachers should be a counsellor and initiator. They should help, guide, inspire and promote the students to confirm the Teaching-Learning Process is effective and positive.
- Teachers should maintain dignity both inside and outside the classroom and set a good example to the students.
- Teachers should sign the attendance register while reporting for duty.
- Teachers are expected to be present in the college campus 10 minutes before the college beginning time.
- Teachers must report in time to duty as per the working hours prescribed and should be available in the campus unless and otherwise, they are assigned duties elsewhere.
- Teachers should complete the syllabus in time; Teachers shall produce good results in the subject taught.
- Teachers should attend Faculty Development Programs to update their knowledge.
- Teachers should remain in the campus till the end of the College hours.
Code of Conduct for Non Teaching Staff
- Non-teaching staff should accord just and unbiased treatment to all students irrespective of religion, community, caste, creed, sex, economic and social status.
- Non-teaching staff should take full efforts to meet required standards in completing assigned duties.
- Non-teaching staff should maintain good relationship and proper interaction with the students.
- Non-teaching staff should not use their position in the institute for any misconduct, either with the students or with any faculty member.
- Non-teaching staff should co-operate with the teaching staff, their colleagues, providing support, help and assistance as required and facilities effective communication throughout the college.
- Non-teaching staff should exhibit the uppermost values of professional conduct that is required in an educational establishment.
Code of Conduct for Students
- Students must keep the campus neat & clean and not throw waste in the campus except in the waste basket kept.
- Students are expected to preserve silence and dignity in the academic building.
- Students must compulsorily be present for all the assembly/project and presentation etc.
- Any form of ragging and harassment of the fellow students in the campus is strictly prohibited and refrained. If found guilty he/she will be liable for criminal offence as per law, following the directives of Honourable Supreme Court Of India.
- Students are expected to strictly follow the six day work schedule i.e, Monday to Saturday.
- Students must attend classes regularly in order to reach the desirable standards of academic attainment.
- Students must maintain the highest standards of discipline and decent behaviour inside the campus as well as outside. They shall strictly follow the rules and regulations of the college to maintain the dignity and esteem of the college.
- Students must retain from doing any damage to the institute property.
- Students use good languages in classroom.
- Students have obedient with Teachers and Principal.
- Students should be on time at the beginning of the day and after lunch and break.
- Students have come prepare with stationery, workbooks and completed homework.
- Students have been respectful to classmates and teachers.
- Students have to raise their hands, if they want to speak.
- Students have come to the college with professional neat clothing’s.
- Students have rights to ask questions and encourage them to do the same.
- Students have must co-ordinate with senior and junior also.